Headhunter’s Club, Austin Tex. 2012. Pentax K1000 on Foma 400
Month: July 2012
Italian Stallion
Nothing wrong here.
Railroad Cross(process)ing
Zoo Train crossing, San Antonio, Tex. 2012. Modified Holga on cross-processed Ektachrome 160T
Its better down where its wetter.
Vintage Vivant at the Swan Dive, Austin, Tex. 2012. Yashica Mat EM and flashbulb on Kodak Ektar 100.
Transportation for all the nation
Solo in the spotlight.
Hailey Tuck. East Side Showroom. Austin, Tex. 2012. Yashica Mat EM with flashbulb, on Kodak Ektar 100
Your cavaderous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding.
Haunted Mansion, Walt Disney World, Fla. 2012. Yashica Mat EM on Kodak Ektar 100
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