Brian Rise of the Hollywood Revue, East Side Showroom, Austin, Tex. 2012. Pentax K1000 on Foma 400
Author: scooterfox
Raising the Bar
Jesse Del Quadro of Thee Swank Bastards on the bar, Trophy’s, Austin, Tex. 2012. Yashica Mat EM on Foma 400.
That sinking feeling…
“Oceanic Ball of Titanic Proportions” at Vintage Vivant, Swan Dive, Austin, Tex. 2012. Universal Uniflex I on Foma 400
RAW Austin: Solstice — June 21
I am lucky enough to have been selected to join RAW:natural born artists “Solstice” showcase on June 21 at the Parish, in Austin, Tex. The show is a 21 and older event, and features a select group of artists in the fields of Photography, Film, Music, Makeup, Performing Art, Fine Art, and Fashion. If you are in Austin, pick up a ticket for the event over at the RAW site, and select star*lite as the artist you are supporting!
Pep Boys
Pep Torres at Spider House Ballroom, Austin, Tex. 2012. Pentax K1000 on Foma 400.
Ring your Bell
How to get ahead in racing
I Want *Magic*
Rebel Night at Otto’s Shrunken Head, New York, NY. 2012. Yashica Mat EM on Kodak Ektar 100.
He’s Actual Size
Westen Borghesi at Vintage Vivant. Swan Dive, Austin, Tex. 2012. Pentax K1000 on Foma 400
Gimme Some Sugar, Baby..
Patriot Act
Hot Rods and Hatters Car Show, Texas Hatters, Lockhart, Tex. 2012. Vivitar 220/SL on Ektar 100
Go down to the Shore
Doggy Sweater
Hot Rods and Hatters Car Show, Lockhart, Tex. 2012. Vivitar 220/SL on Ektar 100
Dolled Up
Vintage Vivant at Swan Dive, Austin Tex. 2012. Universal Uniflex I on Foma 400
Let Them Wear Cake
Vintage Vivant at Swan Dive, Austin Tex. 2012. Universal Uniflex I on Foma 400
It Ain’t Rocket Science
Pep Torres at Spider House Ballroom, Austin, Tex. 2012. Universal Uniflex I on Foma 400.
West Berlin
Vintage Vivant at the Swan Dive, Austin, Tex. 2012. Universal Uniflex I on Foma 400
Heaven and Hell
Cabaret Ladies
Vintage Vivant at the Swan Dive, Austin Tex. 2012. Universal Uniflex I on Foma 400
Mistress Stephanie (and her Melodic Cat.) Swan Dive, Austin, Tex. 2012. Universal Uniflex I on Foma 400
The Many Faces Of Emily Bell
Emily Bell at Frank, Austin Tex. 2012. Multiple exposure on Foma 400. Univeral Uniflex I.
The Elevator is Missing
We have a wiener
Coney Island
Coney Island, and Brooklyn, N. Y. 2012. Double exposure, Yashica Mat EM on Foma 400
‘Shutter Speed’ gallery show
Friday March 2nd: Opening Reception – Free to attend, 7-10pm
Gallery Black Lagoon’s First Annual Juried Black & White Photography Exhibition:
Featuring images from 2011-2012 by 21 Texas Photographers: Jessica Anguiano, John Cahill, April Davis, Ryan Green, Kelly Hawkins, Brian Hamm, Carol Hayman, Bradley William Herzing, Jordache E. Johnson, Richard Kies, Jennifer Litterer, Singer Mayberry, Dan Machold, Jason Morales, Mary Rehak, Brandon Sarkis, Chad Schaefer, Autumn Spadaro, Ashley Wallace, Kate Wurtzel, & Laurie Saurborn Young.
RSVP here
Exhibit on view through March 11th / Opening Night Sponsored by Circle Brewing