New York Pavilion from the 1964 World’s Fair, 2012. Pentax K1000 on Foma 400
We have a wiener
Coney Island
Coney Island, and Brooklyn, N. Y. 2012. Double exposure, Yashica Mat EM on Foma 400
‘Shutter Speed’ gallery show
Friday March 2nd: Opening Reception – Free to attend, 7-10pm
Gallery Black Lagoon’s First Annual Juried Black & White Photography Exhibition:
Featuring images from 2011-2012 by 21 Texas Photographers: Jessica Anguiano, John Cahill, April Davis, Ryan Green, Kelly Hawkins, Brian Hamm, Carol Hayman, Bradley William Herzing, Jordache E. Johnson, Richard Kies, Jennifer Litterer, Singer Mayberry, Dan Machold, Jason Morales, Mary Rehak, Brandon Sarkis, Chad Schaefer, Autumn Spadaro, Ashley Wallace, Kate Wurtzel, & Laurie Saurborn Young.
RSVP here
Exhibit on view through March 11th / Opening Night Sponsored by Circle Brewing
Men In Black
Unisphere, from the 1964 World’s Fair. New York, NY. 2012. Yashica Mat EM on Ektchrome 100VS
January 8, 1978
Formerly Randy’s Rodeo, of Sex Pistols fame. San Antonio, Tex. 2011. Yashica Mat EM on Ektachrome 100VS
Hot Rods and Hatters
Attention Texans!
Saturday, February 4, is the first Hot Rods and Hatters car show down in Lockhart, Tex. . . at the home of the legendary Texas Hatters. I will be there, taking photos, and selling prints at VERY discounted prices. Details are as follows:
$15 Hot Rod Contest Entry Fee (Car Contest is for Pre 65′ & Custom Hot Rods)
$5 General Admission
Peewee Moore~1pm to 3pm
Rick Broussard’s Two Hoots and a Holler~ 3pm to 7pm
Be there!
Wayne The Train
Wayne ‘The Train’ Hancock, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2011. Polaroid 100 Automatic Land Camera
not currently for sale
Under the El
Injun Attack
TeePee Motel, Wharton, Tex. 2009. Vivitar 220/SL on Kodachrome 64
purchase at star*lite
Stone Head
Space Rock
Halloween, Triple Crown, San Marcos, Tex. 2011. Pentax K1000 on expired Plus-X Pan
Man Crush, kinda.
Hollywood Steve Vegas tearin’ it up. Triple Crown. San Marcos, Tex. 2011. Yashica Mat EM on Ektachrome 100VS
Vaudeville Is Not Dead Yet
Get on the Bus
Austin, Tex. 2011. Yashica Mat EM on Ektachrome Daylight 100 (expired Jan. 1986)
Nice View
Satan’s Cheerleaders‘ Reunion, The ND, Austin Tex. 2011. Universal Uniflex I with flashbulb.
Emily Bell
Lovely Hula Hands
Vintage Vivant‘s Hawaiian Holiday, Swan Dive, Austin, Tex. 2011. Universal Uniflex I with flashbulb.
Africa Night
East Side Dip
Dancers at The White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2011. Universal Uniflex I with flashbulb.
Strawberry Shake
Restoration in progress.
Mission 4 Drive-In (Original screen restoration), San Antonio, Tex. 2011. Yashica Mat EM on Ektachrome 100VS
Mike & the Moonpies doing what they do best, at Swan Dive, Austin Tex. 2011. Yashica Mat EM on Ektar 100
Looking Up
Abandoned Lone Star Brewery, San Antonio, Tex. 2011. Yashica Mat EM on Ektachrome 100VS
Party Lights
Rockabilly Night
JD McPherson at the Continental Club, Austin, Tex. 2011. Universal Uniflex I with custom flashgun.
Mueller Control Tower, Austin, Tex. 2011. Modified Holga on expired Agfa Portrait 160