At Swan Dive, Austin Tex. 2012. Pentax K1000 on Foma 400
Category: B/W Prints
Pep Boys
Pep Torres at Spider House Ballroom, Austin, Tex. 2012. Pentax K1000 on Foma 400.
How to get ahead in racing
He’s Actual Size
Westen Borghesi at Vintage Vivant. Swan Dive, Austin, Tex. 2012. Pentax K1000 on Foma 400
Dolled Up
Vintage Vivant at Swan Dive, Austin Tex. 2012. Universal Uniflex I on Foma 400
Let Them Wear Cake
Vintage Vivant at Swan Dive, Austin Tex. 2012. Universal Uniflex I on Foma 400
It Ain’t Rocket Science
Pep Torres at Spider House Ballroom, Austin, Tex. 2012. Universal Uniflex I on Foma 400.
West Berlin
Vintage Vivant at the Swan Dive, Austin, Tex. 2012. Universal Uniflex I on Foma 400
Heaven and Hell
Cabaret Ladies
Vintage Vivant at the Swan Dive, Austin Tex. 2012. Universal Uniflex I on Foma 400
Mistress Stephanie (and her Melodic Cat.) Swan Dive, Austin, Tex. 2012. Universal Uniflex I on Foma 400
The Many Faces Of Emily Bell
Emily Bell at Frank, Austin Tex. 2012. Multiple exposure on Foma 400. Univeral Uniflex I.
The Elevator is Missing
We have a wiener
Coney Island, and Brooklyn, N. Y. 2012. Double exposure, Yashica Mat EM on Foma 400
Under the El
Space Rock
Halloween, Triple Crown, San Marcos, Tex. 2011. Pentax K1000 on expired Plus-X Pan
Nice View
Satan’s Cheerleaders‘ Reunion, The ND, Austin Tex. 2011. Universal Uniflex I with flashbulb.
Lovely Hula Hands
Vintage Vivant‘s Hawaiian Holiday, Swan Dive, Austin, Tex. 2011. Universal Uniflex I with flashbulb.
Africa Night
East Side Dip
Dancers at The White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2011. Universal Uniflex I with flashbulb.
Party Lights
Rockabilly Night
JD McPherson at the Continental Club, Austin, Tex. 2011. Universal Uniflex I with custom flashgun.
The Fans
Modern Don Juans and fans, Continental Club, Austin, Tex. 2011. Universal Uniflex I with custom flashgun.
Organ Donor
Nate Basinger of the Lost Counts, Sahara Lounge, Austin, Tex. 2011. Universal Uniflex I with custom flashgun.
Shoot Out
Miss Piggy
Vintage Vivant Halloween at Swan Dive, Austin, Tex. 2011. Pentax K1000 on unknown vintage Kodak Plus X Pan
Topless Angel
Ta-ta Tuesdays, Headhunters, Austin, Tex. 2011. Pentax K1000 on Kodak TMAX 100.
Flametrick Subs
Flametrick Subs at Skinny’s Ballroom, Austin, Tex 2011. Pentax K1000 on TMAX 100