Tom Umberger with JWW and the Prospectors, Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex. 2025. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford hp5 Plus.
Category: Ginny’s Little Longhorn
At Da Club
Kari Shaff, The Country Clubbers, Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak Panatomic-X Aerographic film.
Country Club
Kari Shaff, the Country Clubbers, Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with Flashbulb on hand cut 3×4 Fomapan Action 400.
Return of the Longhorn
Johnny McGowan at the Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex. 2021. Hasselblad 500 EL with flashbulb on Ektachrome 100
T on the Ivories
T Jarrod Bonta, Ginny’s Little Longhorn, Austin, Tex. 2008. Vivitar 250/SL on Kodak TMAX 3200.

The Hands of a Master
Jim Stringer, Ginny’s Little Longhorn, Austin, Tex. 2008. Vivitar 220/SL on Kodak Tri-X 400 with flashbulb.
Um-berger Time
Tom Umberger, Ginny’s Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex. 2008. Vivitar 250/SL on Fuji Superia 800 with flashbulb.
Benny and Billy
Benny Peters (playing Bobby Horton‘s guitar) and Billy Horton, Ginny’s Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex, 2008. Vivitar 250/SL on Kodak Gold 800 with flashbulb.
Band of the Hand
James “Slim” Hand, Ginny’s Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex, 2007. Universal Uniflex II on Kodak T400CN with flashbulb
Now that’s country, kid
Teri Joyce at Ginny’s Little Longhorn, Austin, Tex. 2007. Universal Uniflex II on Kodak T400CN with flashbulb
Horton and Horton
The Horton Brothers, Ginny’s Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex. 2008. Vivitar 250/SL on color 800 film.
Beer Joint
Ginny’s Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex. 2008. Vivitar 250/SL on Kodak Tri-X.
Bear’s Fans
Bear McCreadie and fans, Ginny’s Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex, 2007. Holga GCFN on Kodak T400CN
Shannon Marino, Ginny’s Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex. 2007. Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash on Kodak T400CN
Roger Wallace at San Quentin
Roger Wallace at Ginny’s Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex. 2007. Universal Uniflex II on Kodak T400CN
The Choicest Product of the Musical Arts
Johnny Falstaff at Ginny’s Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex. 2011. Yashica Mat EM on Kodak Ektachrome 200 w/ flashbulb.
purchase at fine art america | purchase at star*lite
Lone Starlet
Erin Zabel, Austin, Tex. 2010. Polaroid 100 Automatic Land Camera (w/ portrait lens) on FP3000B packfilm.
Triple Moonpie
Mike and the Moonpies, Ginny’s Little Longhorn, Austin Tex. 2013. Vivitar 200/SL on Kodak Tri-X 400
One Moonpie
Preston Rhone of Mike and the Moonpies, Ginny’s Little Longhorn, Austin, Tex. 2013. Vivitar 220/SL on Kodak BW400
Jimmie Vaughan
Jimmie Vaughan, Ginny’s Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex. 2007. Universal Uniflex II Twin Lens Reflex on Kodak BW400CN with flashbulb.
purchase at fine art america | purchase at star*lite