Seth James, Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex. 2025. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus.
Category: Sam’s Town Point
Honey Hush
The Hushabyes, Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex, 2025. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus stand developed in 50+1 Rodinal for two hours and 15 minutes.
Straight Pipkin
Willie Pipkin, with the Little Elmore Reed Blues Band, Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak TMAX 400, stand developed in Rodinal 100+1 for two hours.
Blue Keller
Mike Keller, with Little Elmore Reed Blues Band, Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak TMAX 400, stand developed in Rodinal 100+1 for 2 hours.
The Backside of Austin
Stacy Antonel with Bob Appel and Western Fidelity, Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak TMAX 400.
To a T
T Jarrod Bonta, with the AM Band, Sam’s Town Point, Austin Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak T-MAX 400.
Au Revoir, Henri
Henri Herbert, Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak T-Max 400 expired 1994
Burning the Midnight Oil
Teri Joyce (channeling Barbara Mandrell) with Western Fidelity, Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic and flashbulb on Kodak TMAX 400.
Pony Up
Jenn Miori (Jenn and the Corn Ponies) at Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak Panatomic-X Aerographic II.
One Bad Appel
Bob Appel, with Western Fidelity, Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic and flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus.
Whiskey Bent
Jake Penrod, (plus Tom Lewis and Randy Lindley) performing Hank Williams, Jr with Western Fidelity, Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Fomapan 400 pushed to 800.
The Madman
Oliver Steck sitting in at Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex. 2022. Hasselblad 500EL and Flashbulb.
Mozz Def
Mozzy Dee Fuentes at Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex. October 2022. Hasselblad EL with flashbulb on Kodak Porta 800.