Heather Rae Johnson, with the Saddle Sores, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2025. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus stand developed in Rodinal 50+1
Category: White Horse (ATX)
The Patron Saint of the White Horse
Heather Rae Johnson with the Saddle Sores, White Horse, Austin, Tex, 2025. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus stand developed in 50:1 Rodinal for two and a half hours.
Roman Hands
Massimo Gerosa, with the Saddle Sores, at the White Horse, Austin, Tex, 2025. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus stand developed in 50+1 Rodinal.
Jay Gee and the Shanks, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb, on Kodak T-Max 400 expired 1994.
Let it Mellow
The Mellows, featuring Zane Turner, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak TMAX 400 stand developed in Rodinal 100+1 for two hours.
Johnny on the Spot
Johnny Falstaff, White Horse, Austin, Tex. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak TMax 400.
Steeling the Spotlight
Caleb Lindley on pedal steel for Amber Digby and Midnight Flyer, White Horse, Austin Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak TMAX 400.
Falstaff’s Got Something
Johnny Falstaff, White Horse, Austin Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with Flashbulb on Kodak TMAX 400.
Hard Corn
Jenn Miori Hodges of Jenn and the Corn Ponies, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Century Graphic on Cinestill Double X 120
Tjarko Max
Tjarko Jeen, White Horse, Austin Texas, 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic on Kodak TMAX 400 with flashbulb.
Au Naturel
Dave Biller, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic on Ilford HP5 Plus in existing lighting.
Theo Lawrence, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus.
Wee Bonnie Rocker
Rockin’ Bonnie (with Rockin’ Heather Rae Johnson), White Horse, Austin Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on hand cut Ilford HP5 Plus.
Hot American Summer
Summer Dean, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic and flashbulb on hand cut 3×4 Ilford HP5 Plus.
La Croy
Corey Baum (Bad Boy Croy), Croy and the Boys, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on hand cut 3×4 Ilford HP5 plus.
Devil Went Down to Georgia
Katie Shore playing with Georgia Parker, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. 1941 Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus pushed to 1600.

Georgian Side Eye
Georgia Parker western swing band, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Fomapan 400.
No Flash Lucas
Lucas Hudgins, Willie Pipkin and half of Billy Horton, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic, no flash, on Ilford HP5 plus, hand cut to 3×4 and pushed to 12,800 ISO.
Lucas to the Extreme
Lucas Hudgins, White Horse, Austin Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic, no flash, f/4.5, 1/100 sec on Ilford HP5 Plus hand cut to 3×4 and push processed in HC-110 to ISO 12,800.
Stringer on Strings
Jim Stringer playing with Roger Wallace. White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic and flashbulb on Fomapan 400 hand cut to 3×4.
We’re all a little damaged.
Bakersfield, TX, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on hand cut 3×4 Ilford HP5plus (damaged in processing).
Slick Willie
Willie Pipkin on guitar with Tom Lewis on drums, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. Hasselblad 500EL with flashbulb on Fomapan 400.
Red Hot Rachel
Little Rachel at the White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on hand cut 3×4 Ilford HP5 Plus pushed to 3200.
Darci Does Austin
Darci Carlson at the White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. Hasselblad 500EL with flashbulb on Fomapan 400.
It’s Biller Time
Dave Biller at the White Horse, Austin Tex. 2022. Hasselblad 500EL with flashbulb on Kodak Ektachrome 100.
Steeling the Show
James Shelton, The White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2021. Hasselblad EL with flashbulb.
Tjarko Jeen with the Modern Don Juans, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2021. Hasselblad 500 EL with flashbulb.
Jeremy Slemenda, The Saddle Sores. White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2021. Hasselblad EL with flashbulb on Velvia 100
contact for purchase
Second Sunday Spin
Second Sunday Sock Hop, White Horse, Austin Tex. 2013. Yashica Electro 35 on Fuji Velvia 100
Doggy Dip
Canine curiosity at the White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2012. Yashica Mat EM on Foma 400