Johnny Moeller at the Continental Club, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus
Play Missy For Me
Beth Chrisman (Missy Beth and the Morning Afters), Sagebrush, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus.
Long Live the Tyrant
Mike Barfield, Continental Club, Austin Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with Flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus.
The Malt Liquor Swigger
John Evans at the Coral Snake, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak T-Max 400
Industrial Music
Susquehanna Industrial Tool & Die Co. Otto’s Shrunken Head, New York, 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak T-Max 400.
Tjarko Max
Tjarko Jeen, White Horse, Austin Texas, 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic on Kodak TMAX 400 with flashbulb.
Canal Zone
Drainage Canal, East Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic on Frankenstein 400.
Continental Curran
Nick Curran, Continental Club, Austin, Texas. 2009. Vivitar SL/220 on Kodachrome 64 with flashbulb.
The Sagebrush, Austin, Texas. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic, 30 second exposure, on FPP Frankenstein 200.
Lord Friday the 13th, 13th Floor, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Century Graphic with 120 back, flashbulb.
Au Naturel
Dave Biller, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic on Ilford HP5 Plus in existing lighting.
At Da Club
Kari Shaff, The Country Clubbers, Little Longhorn Saloon, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak Panatomic-X Aerographic film.
Shelly Bottoms
Spliffkickers (aka Spliff Kazoo and his Fronds) Sahara Lounge, Austin, Tex. 2024. Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak Ektapan, expired 1978
Target: Austin, Texas
Congress Avenue, looking north to the capitol, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic on Kodak Plus-X Pan, expired 1975
Oh, Behave!
Seaholm Power Plant, Austin, Tex. 2024. Anniversary Speed Graphic on Kodak Plus-X Pan, expired 1975
Pony Up
Jenn Miori (Jenn and the Corn Ponies) at Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Kodak Panatomic-X Aerographic II.
Panatomic Dog
Biscuit, Austin Texas, 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic on expired Kodak Panatomic-X Aerographic II film.
Here’s to It
John Evans, Sagebursh, Austin, Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus
Atomic Dudeman
Dudeman, Styff Anyss, Kick Butt Coffee, Austin Tex. 2024. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on hand cut Kodak Panatomic-X Aerographic (expired 2001).
Miss Rhythm
Little Rachel, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic on Ilford HP5 Plus with flashbulb.
Theo Lawrence, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus.
One Bad Appel
Bob Appel, with Western Fidelity, Sam’s Town Point, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic and flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus.
Jazzy Jim
Jim Stringer, Blue Moon Jazz Trio, Continental Club Gallery, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic and flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus.
Radiation Rock
Buster Crash, Flametrick Subs, The Lost Well, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus.
The Horseshoe (formerly)
Binion’s Gambling Hall, Fremont Street, Downtown Las Vegas. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic on Ilford HP5 Plus. 2023.
Wee Bonnie Rocker
Rockin’ Bonnie (with Rockin’ Heather Rae Johnson), White Horse, Austin Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on hand cut Ilford HP5 Plus.
Cole Slay
Rachel Cole, Sagebrush, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on hand cut Ilford HP5 Plus.
Hot American Summer
Summer Dean, White Horse, Austin, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic and flashbulb on hand cut 3×4 Ilford HP5 Plus.
Blowin in the Wind
Matt Bray, LC Rocks, Billy’s Ice, New Braunfels, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on Ilford HP5 Plus
Sugar Me
Paul Lidel, LC Rocks, Billy’s Ice, New Braunfels, Tex. 2023. Graflex Anniversary Speed Graphic with flashbulb on hand cut Ilford HP5 Plus.